AOCapitulator [they/them]

I dislike AOC, shes too communist for my taste

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2021


  • sometimes your brain will decide something independently of conscious thought, and then invent a compelling narrative for why you are about to do what your brain already decided you were going to do

    This kind of effect can be seen when a split brain person reacts to textual commands, like “stand up” seen on a computer screen in front of them only one eye can see by standing up, but when asked verbally why they stood up they just make up some shit on the fly like “I was tired of sitting and wanted to stretch my legs”

    We’re just narrative machines (no, not like ChatGPT)

    It could be asserted that none of our decisions are ever actually real, and its all just a series of these ‘decisions’ that are just invented by your brain to explain why you’re doing what you were always going to do, and thus you don’t have free will you just tell yourself that you do as a nice story.

    I don’t believe that, I think that assertion is a bit like last tuesdayism and I dislike the unfalsifiablity of it, but yeah I get the argument

  • You don’t have to fix everything right this second, in fact trying to is likely to break everything worse. If you really do reflect and grow here, you will be welcomed and encouraged, but not if you go down swinging on a hill you “felt a strong need to defend”. I am not saying that in any way disparagingly, I’ve been there. You may not be wrong for feeling this way, but acting on it may very well be a mistake in retrospect

    If you decide to take my advice, edit your post here to say: I’ve been given a lot to reflect on, I’m going to disengage and do that" or similar (include the word disengage though) and then no one will pile on, and may even reach out

  • if you’re legit and you want to grow and reflect, from now on in this thread, only ask questions and do not argue, digest what you read and learn for a while, and then you can argue like, tomorrow or whenever, if you still want to. anything else would be reactive and unhelpful for your growth, and likely result in you digging in and growing stubborn on the issue

    For real, this is not going to be healthy if you keep posting at this rate, if you’re being genuine

    I was replying to your reply in another thread and thought Id check your post history only to see youre in like 5 interactions at once, thats now how you self crit or reflect chief