Friend, are you weary of talk of blockbuster space-faring RPGs and blockbuster D&D adaptations and blockbusters in general? Do you yearn for the older, simpler days before the great Unrealification and the invention of sex scenes, when people called a spike pit a spike pit, and you could count all the different colours in a screenshot on your fingers? Do you, in fact, reject this framing of retro-styled 2D pixelart games as “older” and “simpler”, regarding it as condescending and false? Look, shut up already. I’m trying to tell you about Isles of Sea and Sky from developers Jason Newman, Dan Collver and Craig Collver.

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Steam Link

    10 months ago

    Oh man this looks amazing. Like it was literally made for me. Have to wait and see if the puzzles are as good as this looks. Love a well made puzzle game with a great aesthetic that has a great story. Granted I haven’t played any Zeldas after Ocarina of Time (well, except the ones on Game Boy/the og DS), so I don’t know how they’ve progressed, but I often wish there were more puzzles and harder puzzles that don’t rely on platforming.