Available Filters:

  • Collections: add games in a collection to the tab
    • Multiple: will restrict it to games in all specified collections
  • Regex: filters game titles using a regex (for testing, use this website)
  • Installed: filters games by if they are installed or not
  • Friends: filters games by if they are owned by a friend as well
    • Multiple: depending on mode, either game must be owned by all friends, or at least 1 friend
    • Mode: “and” means all friends must own, “or” means any
  • Tags: filters games by if they have a given tag associated with them
    • Multiple: depending on mode, either game must have all tags, or at least 1 tag
    • Mode: “and” means must have all tags, “or” means any
  • Vahtos@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    This is amazing. I’ve been waiting for a plugin for Decky that does this since I switched from CrankShaft. Going to try this later!