wlr-randr doesn’t seem to see my screens connected to my dock, if it’s connected after logging in.
Hmm. You should probably report that on their issue tracker, perhaps that’s a bug they didn’t catch (yet), https://todo.sr.ht/~emersion/wlr-randr
Gnome says that, it will turn on osk and screen rotation automatically when in tablet mode, but that doesn’t work in my laptop. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Does your laptop include the hardware sensors to detect its positioning? Tablets have that, it’s not only software (and firmware?)
It has all the hardware for a convertible laptop. Right now, I am using an auto-rotate gnome extension, and it works, but for some reason gnome doesn’t recognize when I flip my laptop to go into tablet mode. Although my firmware recognize it properly, seeing as they turn off keyboard light automatically. So my guess is, the problem is on Gnome’s side.