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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/lazyworm66 on 2024-06-24 21:50:25+00:00.

I dunno man, I am soo soo happy with my steam deck oled, it’s the best thing! Everything works like a clock, so many possibilities, even doing some easy work stuff which sometimes just requires researching something. Just take the thing from backpack wherever you are and you have fully supported user friendly linux os. Battery life is amazing with old school games I wanted to play for so long but never played them on PC, couldn’t get my hands on them. Average consumption is 7-9 watts for games like Bioshock, Dark Sector, Bionic commando and etc pumping up to 6 hours playtime! Feels so good to have that library in handheld.

And last but not least, it’s very comfortable, like it was made for my hand, ofc it’s little big, but if anyone complains about the size of this handheld, despite what capabilities they have, it’s just ridiculous.

SD ftw!