People don’t quit jobs, they quit managers and coworkers. In my case I’d quit some coworkers and sometimes my manager.

But others coworkers are good ones I like working with, and the workplace is not very far, meaning my commute is so small I can bike there. There’s lots of downtime as well and sometimes my biggest trouble is how not to die of boredom listening to my coworkers’ boring stories because they feel offended if I don’t sit with them. I’m unionized.

I like keeping to myself and deciding what kind of people I want in my private life. Most of my coworkers are not this kind of people. I’ve been called a loner, which is actually true and it’s not a problem unless people bully me for it (because they feel offended by my silence, apparently). My biggest problem is office drama. However, wherever I go, there’s always going to be drama, so wouldn’t it be wiser to stay with the bad I already know?

I don’t get drama. It’s a waste of everyone’s time.

    9 months ago

    I’m going to be honest here, it doesn’t sound like you even really know what you want. Annoying coworkers are an inevitable part of adult life. I have had a lot of jobs at many different companies, and you just learn how to fake nice and play as little of the office politics that you can. The best thing for you, I think, would be finding a remote job if that’s possible. There are a ton of remote positions now a days and that’s the best way to not have to interact with other people, save for zoom meetings.