Something like the pyramids, or colosseum

    9 months ago

    A process, instead of a thing:

    political-election based rule, selecting for narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy’s rule.

    IF humankind survives this-century’s The Great Filter, in-which Kahneman System-1 ( “Thinking Fast & Slow”, the most-important psychology book in the world, now ) fights to break System-2/considered-reasoning from having any authority,

    and is winning.

    ALL the ideology/prejudice highjackings-of-countries happening everywhere throughout our world, these days, are just “makeup” on the underlying animal-reaction-mechanism fighting-off considered-reasoning from this world.

    So, in order to survive, humankind requires to break System-1 from authority, globally.

    ALL ideology/prejudice addiction-styles, left, right, religious, anti-theist, ALL of them, have to be broken from rule, XOR humankind force-extinguishes itself, this-century.

    It’s incredibly elegant, actually:

    I believe that all worlds who cross the threshold heading toward their own Industrial Revolution sequence ( so I’m talking about the Roman Empire’s crossing of the threshold ), can have the same ScientificallyTestablePredictions/“prophecies” dropped into them,

    about how there will be #ClimatePunctuation and #SpeciesWideCivilWar & #GlobalFoodWebCollapse … and all-3 of these predictions are in the Christian Bible’s Revelations-book, you can drop these same predictions into ALL worlds going into their remaining-toddler-unconscious-mind while having planet-crushing-industry & planet-destroying-military … and the result will consistently be the same: toddlers aren’t responsible, and TANTRUM/POGROM instead of growing-up.

    Which is exactly what humankind’s going to be doing for about 6 decades, once things blow-up, in about 1 decade.

    I don’t expect much in the way of survival of humankind, at the end of this century.

    If any.

    However, Universe/consequences/karma, whatever one wants to label the force-of-nature, isn’t going to cater-to our toddler-mind’s god-complex, and Universe is going to corner us into force-enduring consequences until either we’re extinguished, xor our remnant is grown-up in nature, no-longer toddler-nature.

    All the 600+ mass-shootings in the US last-year, were narcissism’s lashing-out & tantruming/pogroming others, to “get even” with not being catered-to.

    Our entire-species is in the process of setting-up that, at planet-scale.

    Russia & Israel are committing “mass shooting” against other nations, for their genocidal narcissism…

    US Civil War Part2’s going to be an internal demonstration of it, within 1 decade.


    All at once.

    Our species’s epitaph.

    Tantrum/pogrom was the best we could do: growing-up was “too hard” and unendurable.

    That’s what we’re carving in Universe’s eye, now.

    Its basis is wrong-sorting, preferring narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy for authority, suppressing responsibility & hard-lessons-learned from authority.

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