How to listen to a podcast in 2023:

  1. Find its page on Apple podcasts
  2. Repeatedly click ‘show more episodes’ until all are shown
  3. Select all, view selection source, save as html
  4. Extract the episode page urls with grep and sed
  5. yt-dlp to download the mp3s
  6. figure out how to identify beginning and end of ad breaks
  7. write some python code to load up the audio and strip the ads
  8. shell script to call the python and then re-encode as mp3
  9. copy to local web server
  10. listen and enjoy

Even if the podcast doesn’t turn out to be any good, it already kept me entertained for a couple of hours. If there existed a convenient, safe, and anonymous way to pay $5 for the ad-free version, and if I had $5, then I’d have saved some time and the creators would’ve made more money out of it.