Threads will be part of the fediverse. This means that thread users can interact with Lemmy, Mastodon, and Kbin users.
There will be a huge number of thread users, it will probably quickly become the largest part of the fediverse.
Some people think that threads users will migrate to other fediverse applications and help the fediverse. Other people think that fediverse users will migrate to threads since it will have more features and the fediverse will die if threads defederates from everything.
Threads will be part of the fediverse. This means that thread users can interact with Lemmy, Mastodon, and Kbin users.
There will be a huge number of thread users, it will probably quickly become the largest part of the fediverse.
Some people think that threads users will migrate to other fediverse applications and help the fediverse. Other people think that fediverse users will migrate to threads since it will have more features and the fediverse will die if threads defederates from everything.
Is there anything preventing instances from defederating from threads?
No, in fact many already have
So far, there are not that many, or at least I had expected more somehow… see here:
Edit: Spelling / Grammar