• A_Toasty_Strudel@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I feel it. Clawing away at the back of my mind. An ancient and undying horror from beyond the veil is reaching for me within my dreams. The choired echoes of billions screaming in sadness and fear of an inescable primordial doom festers in every rescess of my mind.

    I tried to warn them. But they care not for the ravings of crazed and tired eyed man driven mad by homelessness, restless nights and sickening dreams.

    The horror I’ve born witness to cannot be stopped. It’s so very close now. Prodding at the collective sanity of humanity, tearing apart the minds of a people woefully ignorant to it’s hungry and unyielding gaze.

    It’s too late. Whether or not I’m sleeping in my car or on a bed will amount nothing when he comes for us from beyond the darkness.

    It’s all my fault. I’m so sorry.