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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I hope it pans out for machine learning.

    I kept a dream journal every night for over a year. Meditated extensively during that time. And rarely looked at a screen. Prison gives you a lot of free time.

    I’ve also explored the closes eye visual space in drug induced lucid states extensively.

    This time article aligns with my understanding of Busdhisms Six consciousness model.


    In Western language, we would call the eye consciousness the visual cortex. When our eyes are closed, and we’re in a relaxed state, we can see muscle memory practicing. Dreams. Visions if in an awake lucid state.

    The visual cortex stays active when our eyes are closed. Otherwise it only takes an hour for other senses to start recruiting those neurons.

    My dreams tend to be emotionally charged. So, dreams are, in my experience, a combination of the visual cortex doing busy work and unresolved emotional stuff if it’s there, or fun joyful stuff, if I’m feeling joy.

    I don’t know that it has a ‘purpose’ other than busy work and keeping the cortex wired together. It can be put to purpose, such as dream journaling and deeper self awareness.

  • They’re talking about time dilation.

    Objects with no mass traveling at light speed in a vacuum don’t experience time.

    A photon, traveling through a vacuum for forty years, from its perspective, leaves the instant it arrives.

    Likewise, if you can travel at the speed of light for forty years and came back to earth, your twin would age forty years and you wouldn’t age at all.

    At a much smaller scale we have to use time dilation to keep clocks in space running at the same time as clocks on Earth. Because in geosynchronous orbit they are traveling faster than objects on the ground.

  • treefrog@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.mlDemocrats
    4 months ago

    Words have meaning in political discourse, and no, they’re not.

    They’re neo-liberals. Both fascism and neo-liberalism are totalitarian. The former is also authoritarian. And their ways of totalizing are different.

    Neo-liberalism appropriates everything that’s not itself and turns it into a commodity. This is its form of totalitarianism; colonialism and cultural appropriation for the sake of the ‘market’. I.e. theft.

    Fascism extinguishes everything that’s not itself. That is its form of totalitarianism, genocide. I.e. murder.

    Neither one particularly plays well with others (hence them both being totalitarian). And both are willing to steal and both are willing to murder. But the end goals of each are much different and fascism is much worse, as you know as a jewish person.

    And a Trump presidency would be a fascist one. With Trans people first on the chopping block after Trump’s political enemies.

    So, no. Both sides are not the same. And I’m also frustrated with the democrats. But yes, this is harm reduction. A neo-liberal or a fascist. Thieves or psychopaths. Those are the choices. Or vote third party. Or don’t vote. But in November, we know it will be Biden or Trump who gets the nomination.

    I’ll vote for the thief personally. Because I practice harm reduction and live in a swing state.