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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • They give you a discount per month. So for example, a $1000 phone is on sale for $600, but they don’t give you $400 off up front. Its a $11.11 per month discount for the next 36 months. You pay $16.67 per month until its paid off. If you pay it up front you pay $1000. If you leave early or pay it off early you lose the $11/month discount on the payment for the phone

    Its intended to lure people in for an advertised cheap or free phone, but then you’re stuck with them paying for the device.

  • Because people finance their phones with AT&T, usually without realizing it. “Free” phones and discounted phones are not usually free or discounted. You’re forced to stay with them to get the discount off each month. I hate it because I’d rather just pay for my phone outright and be done, but then you actually pay more.

  • I prefer to keep my notes as handwritten (I draw a lot of diagrams and graphs in my notes). But it does indeed convert my handwriting to type if I want it to. And it does a great job of it especially with how messy my handwriting can be.

    The feel of it is very comfortable too (feels like writing on paper). I used to use a Surface Book in tablet mode for notes, but wanted to get away from Microsoft. The screen of the Note 3C isn’t smooth, it’s textured like paper

    Their note app takes some getting used to, but it works pretty well (templates are a little tricky, but they just made an update to improve it).

    The only thing I really miss from OneNote on the Surface was printing PDFs into OneNote. That said, you can annotate directly onto PDFs, it just makes things a little less organized unless you use the PDF as a template.

  • That doesn’t say anything about lethal range. It just says they won’t allow it to be lower than the ISS’s orbit. It could be because of “lethal range” or it could be that they want as little crap in the way of routes to and from the ISS.

    I looked over the article (albeit very quickly) just in case you didn’t quote enough of the article on accident and I didn’t see anything about lethality. I could have missed it or I’m not reading between the lines (maybe missing their meaning in the article).

  • I met my wife dating online. Before that it was brutal. Lots of ignored messages. Lots of messaging that just ended (often on the woman’s end, but sometimes on my end). And plenty of first dates.

    When I first started dating I wasn’t picky. Basically any girl interested in me, I’d show interest. Eventually I actually applied myself to dating with purpose. This helped a bit as I was often times being the one to make the decision whether or not to even meet up with a woman. I made sure they met my criteria and wanted the same things as I did. And doing this required that I was honest with myself. I didn’t want to party, I wanted children, I wanted someone who would challenge me and call me out on my bullshit, but I also needed someone who wasn’t overly sensitive as I am often quite blunt and speak without thinking.

    Basically I had to shift from wasting my time with anyone to getting right to the point and making sure our values and trajectories in life aligned. This filtered out a lot of women. Either immediately because we didn’t want the same things or because they were put off by my directness.