Most likely it will all be bought and sold like everything in the world these days. No one cares about privacy or rights especially if it means millions of dollars of profit are on the line.
The biggest take away from all this is … never ever trust a corporation with your privacy.
Because eventually they will give up your privacy if it means they stand to lose millions or gain millions.
Be careful and always leary of new services and conveniences that will affect your privacy because eventually it will be bought and sold to the highest bidder no matter how you feel about it.
No one cares about privacy or rights
First Cambridge Analytica data scandal happend, then the whole world suddenly voted for right wing extremes.
I guess I should have worded that differently … no one cares if you can maintain your own personal rights or privacy because corporations view your rights and privacy as just another commodity ready to be bought and sold.
That’s how I understood it and what I’m agreeing with. It’s how companies like Cambridge Analytica came to be. How people came to be so manipulated.
You do realise all these companies are left, where Musk and a hand few others are right, yeah?
Lol, whatever helps you cope.
Ok, I’ll bite. How can a corporation not be capitalist?
Corporations are only publicly as right or left politically as helps their profits and PR, outside of some exceptions with CEOs that overestimate their importance (see Musk).
Disney repeatedly blames right wingers for the failure of their more diverse programming, yet removed/minimized John Boyega in the Chinese releases of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. They’re just one of the most obvious examples, not an exception or anything.
They should just make all their data open source and release it to the public so it can be properly preserved!
I’m going to posit an alternative theory: the data is actually pretty worthless and that’s why this company is going under. I don’t think these origin websites and the limited DNA sequencing they did is really worth as much as people might think.
There was a big idea a couple decades ago that corporations were going to copyright natural genes and sell them for massive profits to other biotech companies that could use them to make cure for diseases and other things.
Michael Crichton wrote a few books about it, pretty good reads.
They did do the gene copyright thing in the real world, but it turns out that doing anything with a random gene is pretty hard and the genome isn’t just something you can copy paste a gene into and have it cure aids or cancer, so no one wanted to buy genetic sequences that they would then need to do a whole bunch of work on anyway to make it useful.
Pretty much all 23andMe did was increase the size of the Law Enforcement dna database by letting cops send in samples of suspects and get back their family members info. Of course the company said that was very naughty, but no one got into real trouble for it. And now 23andMe owns a lot of other people’s genetic code, and it’s not worth the hard drives it’s stored on.
Same thing that happened before that… The dsat got sold, at best “anonymized” 🤡
I am willing to step forward to solve this problem. Meesa propose unlimited emergency powers. Store all DNA in buckets, shrink wrapped to perfection. Most kind.