• HandsHurtLoL@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Hm, yeah I guess no one has been speculating about this part of the de/federate Threads reality. Everyone’s worried about Meta and EEE, but what we should have really been discussing is the history of Meta moderation and community guidelines which have often cited “free speech” when people use white supremacist dog whistling but cite “calls to violence” when people of color actively complain about white supremacy.

    There’s a reason why we have seen news articles about large LEO Facebook groups trading and making joke comments on racist memes…

    We were worried about the technology, but we should have been worried about cultural infiltration.

    • MiscreantMouse@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      Exactly. What happens when a far-right troll like libsoftiktok sics thousands of rabid followers on a fediverse account? I get the feeling our small, volunteer group of moderators just don’t have the resources to cover that kind of brigading.

      • HandsHurtLoL@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Also, I don’t think moderation can even stop brigading or the downvotes to hell avalanche. It could only stop thread and comment creation on just your one community/magazine on your instance.

        Nothing could stop a bad faith actor from finding my comments on a different instance and harassing or brigading me there if that instance federated with Threads, even if my instance defederate from Threads.

        This Fediverse stuff is… complex.

        • sab@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Well, at least downvotes isn’t going to be much of a problem, as threads users will only be capable of upcoming stuff they see here. They don’t have a downvote button. :)

          • Ragnell@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            They will be able to send swarms of trolls to harass. If Threads does even federate, I suspect even admins who didn’t sign the fedipact will defederate quite fast.

    • ZILtoid1991@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Facebook’s moderation only covers the bare minimum. Simple mention of Hitler can get you banned (even if you’re criticizing him), calling all LGBTQ people pedophiles and the likes are de-facto allowed there. Threads’ moderation is pretty much the same from what I’ve heard.

    • Kichae@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Oh, we haven’t been speculating about moderation because that’s a known quantity. A major driver of defederarion discussion on the microblogging side of the fedi has been about the moderation issues that people would have to deal with if federated with Threads. And especially about bad actors on Threads getting posts from users on defederated instances via intermediary sites, and then spotlighting vulnerable people to trolls on other instances.

      It’s why many niche Mastodon instances are talking about defederating from any other site not blocking Threads. It’s a significant mental safety risk for vulnerable people in the alt-right’s sights.

      • HandsHurtLoL@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I’m not an “early adopter” of the Fediverse per se, but I came over on the reddit migration on June 11. I feel like I’ve been an information sponge trying to wrap my head around the organization of the Fediverse and seeing the benefits. I think I’m pretty up to speed, at least enough to discuss it with people offline and explain it in a way that does it some justice.

        But I don’t think I’ve seen a lot of discussion about the drawbacks of the Fediverse. I’ve seen a few threads about major privacy concerns related to the Fediverse, but most of the comments responding just kind of hand wave the issue.

        Seeing a possible larger issue here regarding the moderation issues, I can’t see anything other than a total containment of Threads away from other instances. Like, great - use ActivityPub, but don’t talk to me (kbin.social) or my child (literally everything else that wants to interact together in the Fediverse with kbin) again. Lol

        • Kichae@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          The thing is, because minority-targeting trolls aren’t taken seriously by any corporate social media platform, there’s no big downside compared to them. It’s just that them showing up here is effectively taking the safer space these communities they’ve built away from them, returning things to basically how they were just before they fled those other spaces.

          They were made safe not due to the tools, but due to obscurity, and they’re about to lose that obscurity.

          This is… I don’t want to call it a “good thing”, because people who have suffered many assholes suffering them all over again is in no way, shape, or form good, but it’s highlighting an issue that’s been clear to these communities, but not to developers on the Fediverse: The moderation tools here are hot, sweaty garbage.

          Hopefully we can see serious movement on making useful tools now.

          • HandsHurtLoL@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            I don’t know if you have history on reddit, but the “safety because of obscurity” and having that taken away by increased visibility is absolutely what I lived through as a member of a subreddit called TwoXChromosomes. TwoX was a really welcoming space for women-identifying people to get a breath of fresh air from the constant “equal rights means equal lefts” kind of casual misogyny on the rest of reddit. And then corporate created the “default sub” designation and put TwoX on the list.

            I remember the moderators at the time making it very clear to the community that they voiced their dissent but it was happening anyway (wow, what does that sound like?) and now a lot of the posts there get inundated with “not all men” apologists and all the OPs have reddit cares alerts filed on them.

          • HandsHurtLoL@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Not disagreeing with your perspective at all, but there at least have been hidden enclaves on platforms like reddit that are not achievable on platforms like Twitter, in which consenting adults could find each other for consenting activities.

            You can’t do that stuff on Twitter or IG because everything is too out in the open. You can do it on some other websites but they don’t have the userbase and broader appeal and legitimacy like reddit had.

            Just not sure that there’s a way to achieve it in the Fediverse because we’re not just talking about the fact that there’s a small but hopefully trustworthy group of admins who could wade through everyone’s posts and DMs, or surely Google is indexing your comment and post submissions… We’re talking about a solicitation of a sensitive nature goes out so much further than you can imagine.

            Please know this is not about finding new channels to conduct illegal activity!

    • Blakerboy777@kbin.social
      1 year ago


      @MiscreantMouse from my post and upvote history you can verify that I’m pretty in defensive of Meta federation because I think cutting them off immediately is against the spirit of open protocols. Their poor moderation would be an extremely legitimate reason to defederate. I’m against the defederation pact to fully cut them off before they even enter the fediverse but cutting them off as a pragmatic response to their actual character once they arrive us completely justified.

    • jocanib@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      If all instances defederate it will force people to hand their data over to Zuckerberg to access the bigger network, and they will have no control over what shite the algorithm pushes into their timeline.

      There’s a very good case for some instances to defederate. All of them defederating would be a terrible mistake.

      • 00@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        There is no strategical alliance to be made with Meta. That company literally complicitly hosted the platform for a genovide to be planned.. There is no outsmarting, strategic federating or any sudden interest on their side involved. Its all a plot to wring people out in the most heinous way they can get away with.

        What exactly would any fediverse user be getting out of this? Why would Meta have any interest in giving us anything, even attention?

        • jocanib@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          You’re not addressing anything I said.

          Do I have to write “Meta is evil” as a preface to every comment?

          Meta does not need the Fediverse. In terms of user numbers, we’re a rounding error. It has no need to embrace in order to extinguish. Pootling about on your high horse demanding the Fediverse become a monolith (FFS) will do absolutely nothing to stop them.

          If the Fediverse universally defederates it will force millions of users who want/need a larger network to hand their data over to Meta and the Fediverse will die for everyone who wasn’t on it before October 2022.

          There are no good choices here. But there are some absolutely daft ones.

          • 00@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            You’re not addressing anything I said.

            I was trying to say that you arent being creative enough in imagining the awful plans they might have for federation. There is no winning with Meta. The best move is not to play.

            Meta does not need the Fediverse. In terms of user numbers, we’re a rounding error. It has no need to embrace in order to extinguish.

            Companies arent actually that rational in this regard. I completely agree that the fediverse is not a threat in any possible meaning of that word, but that doesnt mean Meta wouldnt like to have its feelers on us or destroy the protocol.

            If the Fediverse universally defederates it will force millions of users who want/need a larger network to hand their data over to Meta and the Fediverse will die for everyone who wasn’t on it before October 2022.

            Defederation just means that Threads is blocked from viewing/interacting with fediverse servers. Right now, Threads is deferated (because it cant interact), but simply because they havent set it up yet. People can still learn about the fediverse and join up whenever they want. I dont think I understand your point.

            • jocanib@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Defederation just means that Threads is blocked from viewing/interacting with fediverse servers. Right now, Threads is deferated (because it cant interact), but simply because they havent set it up yet. People can still learn about the fediverse and join up whenever they want. I dont think I understand your point.

              My point is that the Fediverse is growing because of exiles from Twitter and Reddit. The vast majority of those users want/need a bigger network than is currently available on the Fediverse to get the breadth and depth of content that was on those sites.

              If all instances defederate, then many of those users will reluctantly hand their data over to Zuckerberg instead. The vast majority of them already have through Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc.

              Meta might well want to murder us but universal defederation is just committing suicide instead. It’s the wrong tactic.

              My hope is that Threads sticks with a shitty algorithmic feed and bombards people with corporate bullshit, and its users find out that independent instances exist and will give them more control.

              My other hope is that other mega-corps (Google, Mozilla, etc) open up their own instances and end up holding each other hostage because it’s so easy for their users to jump ship to a competitor.

              It’s a difficult situation to be sure but universal defederation is giving up without a fight.

              • 00@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                The vast majority of those users want/need a bigger network than is currently available on the Fediverse to get the breadth and depth of content that was on those sites.

                Disclaimer, i havent used Threads. But everything i’ve seen from it was just influencer spam, grifting and corporate twitter. I dont think i want that kind of content. Quite the opposite, this is the reason i chose the fediverse.

                My hope is that Threads sticks with a shitty algorithmic feed and bombards people with corporate bullshit, and its users find out that independent instances exist and will give them more control.

                Why would anyone sign up for those instances if they can just look at that stuff from Threads? Furthermore, it would actually make things more difficult, because explaining the fediverse to people that are coming from a corporate social media but that have already had fediverse content is just going to turn them away. It would be far more comfortable for them to just continue using threads.
                Thirdly, it would also influence the federated instances. All the influencer spam and brand bs thats going on over there would also end up on the fediverse.
                And lastly, we dont have to win over every user and every bit of content. The fediverse isnt some VC funded social media that requires unlimited growth. If there is nothing good to grow into, it can just stay the size it is and be fine. I dont get the constant arguments for growth if the new content would be the worst social media can offer and the users would be facebook tier grifters.

                • Ferk@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  I dont think i want that kind of content. Quite the opposite, this is the reason i chose the fediverse.

                  That’s your personal preference. What you call spam others may call content. I expect if your favorite personality / organization / news-provider joined Threads and started posting content there that you don’t consider “spam” then it being in Threads would be an annoyance.

                  I believe kbin doesn’t have it yet, but some fediverse platforms offer the option to block a particular instance from your feed without limiting everyone else. So that would be an alternative. Even if by default it added Threads in the blocklist of everyone.

                  I expect you do see some value on federation (seeing how you seem to be participating in some communities beyond your home instance), so I think the question “why would anyone sign up if they can just use Threads” would answer itself if you don’t assume everyone shares your preference.

                  And it’s perfectly fine if those people turned away by the fediverse don’t join. Personally, I don’t think we should be trying to get everyone to join at all costs or anything like that.

  • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    I mean… I wasn’t expecting this to not happen eventually… I’m just surprised it happened so quickly, and that Meta has done nothing in terms of mitigation - and moreover, didn’t see this as a thing they’d need to guard against out of the gates (unless, I suppose, this isn’t intended to be a Twitter clone, and it’s more shooting for being a Parler clone).

    There’s probably a lesson somewhere in there about the benefits of growing your userbase organically instead of trying to force-march users over by creating shadow accounts, but applying that lesson would be unprofitable, so Meta definitely won’t care.

    • ozen@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      there aren’t minorities in those places for them to attack, which is what they want to do

    • spriteblood@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Facebook is also a big gathering place for white supremacists, anti-LGBT, and other conservative extremists. It’s largely where the US Capitol insurrection was organized. Meta is no stranger to fascism.

    • HarkMahlberg@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      They’re crusaders. They’re never content with what they have. There has to be some land to conquer, some people to oppress. If there isn’t, they’ll just look inward and find one.

  • dumptruckdan@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    White supremacists are like that guy nobody ever wants at their party but who always invites himself anyway. It’s hard enough to keep him from washing his balls in the punch bowl when you’re actively trying to keep him out. Meta doesn’t even try except to the meager extent required by law.

  • Rottcodd@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    That’s what I expected from the start.

    I guess I just assumed that that was commonly understood, As soon as I saw that it was going to be run according to Facebook’s moderation standards, I took that to mean that it was going to be tailored to suit white supremacists and Christian nationalists, like Facebook.

  • EmperorHenry@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Supporting free speech means allowing people you hate to talk too. Censor a Nazi one day, then the next day it’s something your weird friend likes, then the next day it’s something you like.

    Everyone deserves a platform online, but they have to earn their audience. Censoring them is only going to make more people hear and see what they have to say.

    • skulblaka@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I am not required to respect “free speech” when it comes from a place of fundamental dishonesty. Slander is not protected speech. They are within their rights to bitch and complain about whatever non-issue they’re up in arms about today and I’m within my rights to ban and ignore them.

      They are, notably, NOT within their rights to call for violence and death against LGBTQ+ folks, which many are doing, because that constitutes hate speech, assault, or even inciting a riot, depending on which particular situation you find yourself being a bigot in. All three of these are illegal and are not protected speech.

      Tolerance of intolerance is not a paradox, it is a failing of the people who are supposed to be protecting their communities. Tolerance of Nazis and racism are not required by the tenets of the Constitution or by the tenets of democracy and instead actively erode the protections enshrined within each.

      In short, Nazi punks, fuck off.

    • elscallr@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      It doesn’t mean you have to give them the platform, though. If they want to create their own Nazi federation that’s entirely on them, but you don’t have to integrate their content.

    • bedrooms@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      That’s just common misconception. Free speech is there to protect people from the government, not business. If my anti-racism voice gets suppressed on Threads (assuming I ever make an account there) I’d just move to another platform.

      And really, there’s no good reason for a well-intended internet community to allow racism expand.

      • EmperorHenry@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Racism will expand if you censor it.

        How many racists have a big audience? And I mean openly, explicitly racist. Not the dog-whistle racism from Fox news.

        People have been censored by automated systems for just criticizing racists. Yes, that means that all the people who call them out for being shitty get censored too.

    • adderaline@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      such a slippery slope! supporting free speech means allowing people to talk about how much they want queer people dead, too. tell the people calling for violence against queer people to fuck off, and maybe one day your very own calls for violence might get told to fuck off!

      everybody deserves a platform to call for the extermination of people groups, but they have to earn their audience 😏. i think we should do absolutely nothing to stop them, because doing anything just makes them stronger anyways. /s

    • MiscreantMouse@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      The right to free speech is drawn from a US constitutional amendment, which says the US government can’t censor speech, but it has nothing to do with private platforms like this, much less individual responses to Nazi rhetoric. Nobody owes hate speech a free platform.

  • goryramsy@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    In other news, idiots exist everywhere. The interesting part will come when meta/threads responds to this.

    • 00@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I would be surprised if they respond any different than before, i.e. almost none.

  • gentleman@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    @MiscreantMouse This is why I’m of the opinion that defederating from anything that smacks of Meta or Threads should be done immediately. Zsuck supports Russian bots, Alt-right Insurrectionists and hate speech and has done so since 2015, in other words, longer than Elon. Should be walled off and removed like a cancerous tumor. In my view, that should include any instance that signed an NDA with them.

    I saw a survey of instances that indicated many are taking a “wait and see” approach, which is mystifying. What do people think they are find that they don’t already know about Meta?